MiniDM Direct Partner Seller Info

To see how MiniDM works, click here

I am now starting to offer my customers a chance to get free MiniDM board positions

I have found since offering this my weekly takings have increased 

 Every time a customer spends £1 they get 1 spot on our MiniDM boards Wheel Of Fortune

If a customer spends £20.00 they go straight onto the £1.00 board in the next available space

leap frogging the Wheel Of Fortune

The Wheel Of Fortune spins everyday and your customers can see this via 

WhatsApp Chat click here 

How it works for you as a seller 

( We use 5% of our daily takings to fund this draw )

So as a seller you would pay MiniDM £0.05 for each of your customers spots 

For example if they spend say £2.60 they would get 2 spots and you pay £0.10 to MiniDM

You can do this via 

 CASHAPP to download click here 

PAYPAL: Friends and Family

Bank Transfer : SortCode 09-01-29 Account Number 42408525

As a seller you will get a Free £20 board position once your customers start being 

added to the system plus we will add your link to our Partner store page click here

* Note the free £20 position will be added to the end of the £20 boards so this may  

create a new board if there is a board without any positions on it


If we get 2 or more sellers from the same company we will place them on a rotator system

Over time as we get more customers joining our program and visiting our partner stores 

webpage your store will get more views and chance of increased purchases 

You can also just add your own promotion if you like 

Join our WhatsApp Chat click here 

Join our facebook page click here